Advances in the Management of
Obesity Disease
Saturday October 27, 2018
LAU Medical Center-RH, Auditorium D
6th floor
Advances in the Management of Obesity Disease
Welcome Message from the Conference Chair
Obesity has been declared by many health organizations as a chronic and primary disease requiring a lifelong treatment. Treating patients with obesity will prevent, to a large extent, the development of comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea and even cancer.
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend a special half-day event that aims to highlight the pathophysiology, complications, and management of obesity with new emerging drugs.
The meeting will conclude with an interactive roundtable discussion that will include case presentations with audience participation.
An application has been made to the Lebanese Order of Physicians to provide CMEs for this conference.
The meeting will be held at the LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital, building D, Amphitheater D, 6th floor.
We hope you will be able to join us.
Kamal Hirbli, MD
Associate Professor of Endocrinology (Lebanese American University)
Head of the Endocrinology Division (LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital)