
Andre Megarbane, MD, PhD

Department of Human Genetics

Assistant Dean for Research
Chair, Department of Human Genetics

Although genetics has not traditionally been considered a national priority in Lebanon, Dr. Andre Megarbane personally believed that preventing genetic diseases through accurate diagnosis and genetic counseling was not only a necessity and a human duty but also a significant means of reducing healthcare costs associated with the morbidity caused by these diseases. As such, Dr. Megarbane established a clinical genetic service alongside a state-of-the-art diagnostic laboratory and dedicated himself to the study of genetic diseases commonly encountered in Lebanon and the Arab region, as well as the identification of genes involved in orphan diseases. This endeavor involved raising awareness among medical professionals about the importance of genetics in personalized medicine, utilizing knowledge of patients’ genetic and functional anomalies to tailor treatments more effectively.

View Dr. Megarbane’s publications on Pubmed.