Update on Hereditary & Familial Cancer



Online WebEx conference link: Click here
Meeting Number: 2362 326 3475
Meeting Password: 1234
(Kindly register here to obtain your attendance certificate)

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Onsite registration

9:00 AM - 9:20 AM   

Welcome and Opening Remarks:

Master of Ceremonies:
Why is it so Important to Recognize Hereditary and Familial Cancer?
Roula Farah, MD, FAAP - LAU Department of Pediatrics

Welcome Note:
Sola Aoun Bahous, MD, PhD, MHPE - Dean of the LAU Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine

His Excellency Firass Abiad, 
MD, MBA Minister of Public Health 

Module I

Jean El Cheikh, MD - AUB
Andre Megarbane, MD, PhD - LAU 
Paul Henri Torbey, MD - HDF
9:20 AM - 9:30 AM Introduction:
The Impact of Cancer Genetics in Research and Clinic

Roland Kuiper, PhD - Princess Máxima Center Netherlands
9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Session 1: When to Suspect a Familial or Hereditary Cancer Syndrome and How to Test for it?
Presented by
Eliane Chouery, PhD - LAU Department of Human Genetics
Cybel Mehawej, PhD - LAU Department of Human Genetics
9:50 AM - 10:10 AM Session 2: Diagnosis and Counseling of Families with Cancer Predisposition Syndromes
Presented by
Marjolijn Jongmans, MD, PhD - Princess Máxima Center Netherlands
10:10 AM - 10:30 AM Session 3: Therapeutic Implications of Genetics and Hereditary Cancers
Presented by
Hady Ghanem, MD - LAU Department of Internal Medicine/Division of Hematology-Oncology
10:30 AM - 10:50 AM Session 4: Germline Predisposition to Pediatric Cancer: Variant Interpretation
Presented by
Esme Waanders, PhD - Princess Máxima Center Netherlands
10:50 AM - 11:00 AM Q&A
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM Coffee Break 
Module II

Nizar Bitar, MD Sahel General Hospital
Gilbert Karayakoupoglou, MD - Albert Haykel Hospital
Selim Nasser, MD - LAU
11:20 - 11:50 AM Session 5: Cancer Predisposition: What can we Learn from the Tumor?  
Presented by
Roland Kuiper, PhD - Princess Máxima Center Netherlands
11:50 - 12:10 AM Session 6: Lebanese Cancer Families: Key Challenges, Case Presentations and Future Perspectives  
Presented by
Roula Farah, MD, FAAP - LAU Department of Pediatrics
Hassan El Solh, MD - AUB
 Roula Farah, MD, FAAP - LAU
12:10 - 13:00 

Onsite sessionRound Table Discussion and Debate: Ethical, Economic and Psychologic Considerations in Hereditary and Familial Cancers in Adults and Children
All Speakers and Moderators
Advisor to the Minister of Public Health: Dr. Pierre Anhoury
President of Lebanese Society of Pediatrics: Dr. Marianne Majdalani
President of Lebanese Society of Medical Oncology: Dr. Roger Khater
President of the Lebanese Society of Pathology: Dr. Hala Kassouf
President of the Lebanese Society for General Surgery: Dr. Joseph Maroun
Clinical Psychologist - Psychotherapist: Dr. Rima Gemayel
CHANCE Association Committee Member: Dr. Naim Bejjani
SAID NGO Founder & Managing Director: Mrs. Hana Nimer

13:00 - 13:10 Closing Remarks 
Roula Farah, MD, FAAP - LAU