Caroline Chahine, MD
Clinical Instructor
Chief of Section, Cardiothoracic & Vascular Anesthesiology
I graduated from the University of Saint Joseph (Beirut) program in anesthesia/critical care in 1999, then pursued a fellowship in anesthesia for cardiothoracic and vascular surgery — including cardiac transplantation — at Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital in Paris. I completed my specialty training by obtaining a university diploma in thoracic and transesophageal echocardiography at Creteil University in Paris, in 2002-2003. Currently my interests include research in transaortic valve implantation as practiced at LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital. Since obtaining my Diploma in Clinical Simulation at LAU in 2017-2018, I have also developed an interest in simulation-based education and its in situ application.
Selected Publications
- Chahine C. Spinal anesthesia for colonoscopy in elderly patients (American Society of Anesthesiologists 1999-Dallas). Abstract
- Chahine C. Anesthesie du patient obese pour gastoplastie: Analyse de la morbidite (Societe Francaise d’Anesthesie et de Reanimation 2000). Abstract
- Chahine C. La ketamine reduit les doses les doses de morphine en titration : Etude cas-temoins (SFAR 2001 and ASA 2001). Abstract
Professional and Research Interests
Cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia (clinical and teaching).
Education and Training
- Doctor of Medicine, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon, 1995
- Anesthesia/Reanimation, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, 1999
- Residency in Anesthesia (four years), Hotel Dieu Hospital, Beirut
- Fellowship in Cardiothoracic Anesthesia (two years), Bichat Claude Bernard Hospital, Paris
- Certification in transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography, University of Creteil, Paris XII, 2012
- Certification in locoregional anesthesia, Lebanese University of Medicine (affiliated with Paris), 2015