Patient Care

Nada Ayoub, MD

Clinical Instructor
Department of Internal Medicine

“The only thing I know, is that I know nothing,” — these words were spoken by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, according to Plato.
I believe that we must strive always to discover new things, and never stop searching, as some knowledge may at first be hidden from our sight.
When we learn something new, we must pass it along to others.  Knowledge is not the property of one individual, but rather belongs to humanity.
We should live our lives deliberately — not in haste — in order to be mindful of every experience and every moment. In this way we may find the strength to persist in our life’s journey and follow the path of wisdom.

Professional and Research Interests

Education and Training

Professional Organizations, Memberships, Affiliations, and/or Honors:


Internal medicine, autoimmune diseases, hypertension, diabetes