Patient Care

Noha Bejjani, MD

Clinical Instructor
Department of Pathology

After obtaining my M.D. degree from the French Faculty of Medicine in Beirut, I pursued postgraduate studies in Human Pathology (CES) at Pierre et Marie Curie University in Paris. I then spent six months as Visiting Pathologist at the Gundersen Clinic Hospital in La Crosse, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Subsequently I was recruited to the medical staff of Bugshan Hospital in Jeddah, Saudia Arabia, where I established the hospital’s pathology laboratory, and remained in charge of that lab for more than 12 years. Upon returning to my native Lebanon, I joined LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital (then Rizk Hospital) to found its pathology laboratory. Now as a faculty member of the LAU Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine, I serve as Acting Chair of the Department of Pathology.

Professional and Research Interests

Education and Training

  • French State Diploma of Doctor in Medicine, Faculté Mixte Française de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Beirut, Lebanon, 1976
  • French Certificate of Specialty in Human Anatomic Pathology, Université de Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France,1978
  • Lebanese State Diploma of Doctor in Medicine, Beirut, Lebanon, 1980

Professional Memberships and Organizations

  • Société Libanaise D’Anatomie Pathologique
  • European Society of Pathology
  • Académie Internationale de Pathologie - French Division



general surgical pathology, pathology, cytology