
Research at the LAU Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine

Research at the LAU Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine has entered an exciting period of growth. Dedicated faculty with wide-ranging expertise are engaged in clinical, translational, and basic-science research studies. Many have been awarded external and institutional grants to support their original work, and many maintain successful collaborations with other prominent scientists either locally or internationally. The formation of a Research Unit is but one indicator of the burgeoning research environment at the school of medicine. Along with faculty projects, student and resident research activities are on the rise. Instruction in research methodology is an integral part of the medical curriculum, and students can take advantage of a myriad of opportunities in clinical, basic-science, epidemiologic, or cross-disciplinary research at LAU.

To view publications by members of the school of medicine community, search the LAU Repository.

Office of Research

Research activities at the school of medicine are advancing with the support of a rising research infrastructure. The Office of Research and its center of operations, the Research Unit located at LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital, were established to assist faculty in all aspects of their research endeavors. The office has engaged an administrative coordinator and a dedicated biostatistician. Affiliations with other prestigious institutions are in development. A Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship has been established, and several fellows are actively engaged in clinical research at the school and the hospital.

The Office of Research aims to enhance the research curriculum for medical students and residents, and along with the Office of Graduate Studies and Research, seeks to educate them in all aspects of conducting research, writing, and publishing of their work. A series of workshops on research methodology has been established and is open to both faculty and residents, and a one-week introductory course has been designed to prepare the entering research fellows. Additionally the School of Medicine Research Committee has revised and implemented the process needed for the conduct of good clinical studies at the school of medicine and LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital, and is engaged in strategic planning and oversight of all research activities involving core and clinical faculty.

The objectives of the Office of Research are to

The school offers research opportunities, such as part-time research assistant roles, enabling participants to collaborate with experts, develop critical skills, and contribute to impactful scientific advancements. These initiatives underscore the school’s commitment to promoting research and advancing medical knowledge.

Contact Information

Mariam Hijazi, Clinical Research Unit Administrator
LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital
Telephone: +961 1 200800, ext. 2566
Email: or