Neurovascular Week 2018

Neurovascular Week 2018

WFITN Course

July 22 – 25, 2018   |   Lebanon

Anatomy of the Neurovascular System

July 22–25, 2018   |   Beirut, Lebanon

UEMS-coul.png The WFITN Course on Neurovascular Anatomy, Beirut, Lebanon, 22/07/2018-25/07/2018 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 22 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity. Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.


Day 1: Sunday July 22

08:00–08:15 Welcome and introduction (S. Pongpech, M. Mawad)
08:15–08:45 Vasculogenesis, Angiogenesis  (K. terBrugge)
08:45–09:15 The arteries and veins of the brain: evolution in different species, general remarks (P. Mercier)
09:15–09:45 Development of the aortic arch and its brachiocephalic vessels (I.S. Choi)
09:45–10:15 Segmentation and Embryonic vessels (I.S. Choi)
10:15–10:45 Coffee break
10:45–11:15 Ophthalmic arteries and orbital supply, angioanatomy (K. Srivatanakul)
11:15–11:45 Surgical anatomy of the orbit (P. Mercier)
11:45–13:00 Lunch
13:00–13:30 Cavernous sinus arterial anatomy and variations (I.S. Choi)
13:30–14:00 Cavernous sinus surgical anatomy (P. Mercier)
14:00–14:30 VB junction, hypoglossal, pro-atlantal (S. Pongpech)
14:30–15:00 PICA origins (S. Pongpech)
15:00–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–16:00 Surgical anatomy cranio-cervical area (P. Mercier)
16:00–16:30 Limbic circle and PCA (K. terBrugge)
16:30–17:00 Anterior choroidal artery (K. Srivatanakul)
17:00–17:30 Surgical anatomy anterior choroidal artery (P. Mercier)

Day 2: Monday  July 23

08:00–08:30 Angio-anatomy circle of Willis (K. terBrugge)
08:30–09:00 Surgical anatomy circle of Willis (P. Mercier)
09:00–09:30 Variation ACA and MCA territories (K. Srivatanakul)
09:30–10:00 Surgical anatomy A1 and M1 segments (P. Mercier)
10:00–10:30 Coffee break
10:30–11:00 Non-invasive imaging of arterial variations (K. terBrugge)
11:00–11:30 Upper basilar variations (K. terBrugge)
11:30–12:00 Upper basilar surgical anatomy (P. Mercier)
12:00–13:00 Lunch
13:00–13:30 External carotid artery, embryology (I.S. Choi)
13:30–14:00 Skull base and cranial nerve arterial supply (K. Srivatanakul)
14:00–14:30 Dangerous extra- to intracranial anastomoses (M. Mawad)
14:30–15:00 Coffee break
15:00–15:30 Cerebral venous system and dural sinuses (K. Srivatanakul)
15:30–16:00 Intracranial veins surgical anatomy (P. Mercier)
16:00–16:30 DVA and sinus pericranii (K. terBrugge)
16:30–17:00 Venous vascular injury (K. terBrugge)

Day 3: Tuesday July 24

08:00–08:30 Natural history and clinical presentation of adult DAVFs (K. terBrugge)
08:30–09:00 Transarterial treatment of DAVFs (M. Mawad)
09:00–09:30 Transvenous treatment of DAVFs, indications, outcome (K. Srivatanakul)
09:30–10:00 Coffee break
10:00–10:30 Surgical and radiosurgical treatment DAVFs (K. Srivatanakul)
10:30–11:00 CCF shunts (S. Pongpech)
11:00–11:30 Head and neck vascular injury (S. Pongpech)
11:30–12:30 Lunch
12:30–13:00 Vascular lesions and syndromes in children (S. Pongpech)
13:00–13:30 HHT of the CNS in children (K. terBrugge)
13:30–14:00 Dural AVS in children (K. terBrugge)
14:00–14:30 Coffee break
14:30–15:00 Vein of Galen malformations (S. Pongpech)
15:00–15:30 Aneurysms in children (K. terBrugge)

Day 4: Wednesday July 25

08:00–08:30 Angio-vascular anatomy spine and spinal cord (S. Pongpech)
08:30–09:00 Surgical vascular anatomy spinal cord (P. Mercier)
09:00–09:30 Classification and imaging of spinal vascular lesions (S. Pongpech)
09:30–10:00 Coffee break
10:00–10:30 SCAVM presentation, natural history and management (S. Pongpech)
10:30–11:00 Paraspinal AVSs, imaging and management (K. terBrugge)
11:00–11:30 Spinal dural AVSs, endovascular and surgical management (K. Srivatanakul)
11:30–12:00 Intra- and axtradural vascular tumors of the spine, endovascular management (I.S. Choi)
12:00–12:30 Self-evaluation Test
12:30–1:30 Lunch